Saturday, July 24, 2010

Birds on the beach....

These birds were awesome to get photos of most of the time they were flying over our heads , it seemed like they knew i was taking photos of them..

wanna see more .. see the rest here


These were taken also on our day trip to San Fransico. I will be posting more pics from this album on my face book later today. you can find it here

hope you enjoyed this little teaser.....


These were taken downtown SF believe it or not as we were driving by i took these thru the window......


these are just some pics from when we were travelling over the golden gate bridge.. we did however find a awesome spot to take pics of the bridge.. more of thos coming soon

Scenery pics - San fransico area

hi, sorry i havent uploaded pics lately,, i have been working on getting the watermarked and edited,, still have alot to is some of the scenery pics i shot when we took our day trip to San Fransico in June.. I will only be posting a few of each diff things i photograph because i will have all pics in my gallery on my face book photography fan site and my myspace will have them as well...T he pics posted here is just a small sampling of what i took.. My face book is here

my myspace is here-


hope you like these images i have shared with you

Friday, July 16, 2010

kitty pics part 1

this is a stray kitty believe it or not,, that always visits us so i took her pics one day. i have more of them to post this is just the sample

Thursday, July 15, 2010

just a few....

pics i have taken of the clouds... I dont know why but i love taking cloud photos.. i have more to post later


bullet and goin into business for myself.. i totally love photography and editing photos and i', excited to get goin... over the next few weeks or days i will be loading various photos i have captured and i have done 1 session so far, my son .... dale.. So if you are in the Northren Cali area, preferably Sacramento, Yuba City, Marysville area... and you are looking to get some photos taken of you or your family ,, email me at
for more info...I am currently offering 5-15 free sessions.Why am i doin this? you may be asking yourself . it is because i am a newbie just getting started and i need to build my portfoilio. So with your help i can .I plan to do weddings, engagement photos/ couples photos, babies, kids, seniors, newborns, pregnancy, birthday parities, reunions , anniversies ,THE SKYS THE LIMIT!. I can do either natural light photo sessions or studio type photos and my equipment can travel. If this interests you or you have questions, or really what a free photo session but you are out of the area please dont hesate to email me.. I look foreward to hearing from you !