Monday, February 6, 2012

AND....... The Love Story Winner is...........

Jessica Tabor!!!!!!!!!Congrats girl! i can't wait to photograph you and your sweetie!

1st annual Love story Photo Contest Submissions

Hi, everyone , i was hoping for a much better turnout for this, we only had 3 entries and 2 of them i was able to use , the 3rd entry was from out of state....

here is entry 1 from Jessica Tabor
Here is thier " LOVE STORY"

September of 2006 I sat at Harrison Stadium cheering on my Oroville Tigers, hanging out with good friends. During the Varsity game a group of JV Thunderbird football players walked by. I was instantly Goo Goo eyed over #74. He was chunky, had freckles and braces, but I was mesmerized. I caught his attention and he came over to talk to me. He asked me out, I declined. I started to flirt with his friend to make him jealous. He interrupted our conversation and said "i know why you look familiar, we're friends on MySpace" I told him "i have 40 thousand friends on MySpace, sorry I don't remember you" and turned away. He came to sit by me and said "go on a date with me and I promise you will never forget me"... I was hooked. We started going out on November 8th 2006, and on November 8th 2010 he took me up to the dam, and we had a picnic in the back of his truck with the radio going. He went and got all of my favorite foods, olive garden soup and breadsticks, tong don't lows prawns, and homemade chicken strips. He even had an ice chest filled with my favorite drink...capri sun pacific cooler. He had me stand up in the truck bed and dance to whatever was playing. It was lady antebellum 'ok just looking for a good time' it was a song about a one night stand I said that this isn't very romantic and he said "i'll just have to make it romantic" and got down on his knee and proposed. How could I say no to that? we fall in love more and more each day. Now we are 9 weeks away from being parents to our first child together. A beautiful baby girl. With her, our family is one step closer to being complete.

entry # 2 was from Kimmi Egger

Here is thier " Love Story!"

We first started our relationship on June 13th, 2010...but our story started years & years ago!
We met as neighbors in 1994. He was 5 and I was 8. He would come over every day and play with me and my sisters. He was from a troubled family and would often go with our family to the store, and stay for dinner.
Eventually his family moved and we lost touch.
Years later we met, started dating & became a couple without even knowing our paths had crossed before! When we finally realized "who we were" we decided it was a sign from God that no matter what happened in eachother's pasts, this was the Lord's will and he brought us together for a reason...
We have been together ever since, and will be forever more!
They have been married since 11-11-2011

My 3rd entry was from my friend Heather in North Carolina,

Here is thier " Love Story"

Ok lets all started with a friend request on mysapce, i was looking for someone who i could see myself with forever i had just come out of a 4 yr relationship a failed engagement and a lot of heartbreak. so i saw Josh on myspace and since i knew him threw my ex i sent him a message and we started talking via email on myspace. after talking for a few weeks we decided to meet up. we met at our local mall and seem to have a lot in common and for me it was love at first sight. we dated for a few mths. i left my family to move in with him and we dated for 6 mths and we got married. on our wedding night we conceived our child and the rest is history we have been married 2 years going on 3 in Oct.

Thank you everyone who entered! I look foreward to ' CAPTURING" my winners soon!