Monday, December 31, 2012

My year in review.. 2012

Wow , well  2012 is drawing to a close  and 2013 is approaching fast. I can't say that i'm sad to see to see 2012 to end. Alot has  happened this year  some not so great , some awesome, and along the way there was big dissapointments  but with that there was some surprises as well ....This year  since i was still new to  the town i'm in   and had yet to put myself out there  i decided to change my  photography name and change directions, so basically I reSTARTED  everything, i  spent this whole year practicing as much as i could.I went on several meetups ( i'm not lucky enough to have a ton of friends or family ) to get my practice on so i resorted to investing  in My portfolio and to work on  mastering  the settings, etc, I am proud  of what i have accomplished this year I still have some more stuff i  want to  work on on and i will continue to practice as much as possible in 2013 as well.I feel  that  i  am ready  to   finally launch and get legit in 2013 and try to make this work. I may fail , who  knows but I  didn't want to  be like everyone  else get a camera and automatically  i'm a Photographer. It doesn't   work that way, yes anyone can take a picture  but  not everyone can create ART. I wanted to do this the right way and there has been some shoots i went on or did for Pbing that i can honestly say i'm so  glad  i did'nt  charge for these images.if i had   i would have returned thier money.I hope all the hard work  and investments i made this year will not be in vain.I really want this i've wanted to do  Photography since High school but made choices and went down a different road...But hear i am now....

I'll stop rambling  and share my favorites from 2012................

this was 1  of  my first shoots  of the year

my first trash the dress session:

my last family session  ever 9 i was considering still doing families  but decided against  it)

there was some seniors -  here are a few of   some i  captured this year

there were things and rings and details galore  LOL-  here are some of those images------------

there were a couple baby bumps and i even captured my first BIRTH  , What a honor that was..........

we even  got down and dirty..... here is what i mean LOL

and   had some laughs and  acted a lil  silly too.....
and  of course we can't forget missTHANG  that got in the tree!


There may have been some girls as Zombies and in Masks and Masquerade and  i  even think there may have been  some in TUTU'S  too..... 

And last but not certainly least we cant forgot all the couple in loves from couples to weddings , I was blessed to  2nd shoot   4 times this . I  hope i get alot  more 2nd shooting  and my own weddings in 2013....

and these are just some extra pictures from various shoots this year

and  yesterday i  got to do  what i have been dying to do  shoot in the SNOW!!!!!!! There were amazing  models  and beautiful  outfits......

I hope you enjoyed looking at  my  year in review, i  hope you all have an awesome 2013 and i look foreward to  what  lies ahead!