Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Wonderland. Stylized Shoot 12-30-12

Wow what an amazing year 2012 was , i went on so  many fun shoots and  really honed in and got so much practice and whats even better i got some amazing images for my  portfolio. This was the last shoot of 2012 i went on and when i seen that Jen was having a shoot in the snow  i  was there LOL.It had been snowing alot in the mountains  so my hubby wanted to  go  with me.. Is'nt he the sweetest.We loaded the car and off we went. This shoot did  not go  off  with no issues we had to  move a couple times but all in all  it was an awesome shoot and I'm glad i was a part of it
Here are some of my faves  from this shoot

I hope you enjoy these images as much as i enjoyed capturing them!

I f you would  like to  book a session please feel  free to  email  me at:

Have  A FAB day!

Priscilla Christine

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I was able to  build up  my Senior  port  a little bit this past fall,  The girls were awesome ,  
HERE are a few of my faves from this shoot

Thank you for looking
If you would like to  book your senior session  i would love to talk to  you!
Please email  me at :

Priscilla Christine

Monday, February 4, 2013

Karina and Travis are Married! December 2, 2012

This was my  last wedding of 2012  2nd shooting.  This time i  got to  work  with Nikole .I was so  excited  i got to  do  another wedding because  i LOVE LOVE LOVE weddings....  This time the main shooter let me act as MAIN, i was so excited to  do  this and i was'nt stressed out at all.

Here are a few of my fave  images

Thank  you for looking at my  blog I appreciate it!
If you are wanting to   to  book a wedding , i would  love to  hear from you!
Please email me at:

Priscilla Christine

Friday, February 1, 2013

Garden Tea Party Stylized Shoot -November 2012

Happy Friday All!  Anytime i can get in on a styled shoot I'm  there.I mainly wanted to  go  to  practice capturing  detail shots and of course for practice.

Here are a few of my fave  images i captured at this shoot...

I hope you enjoy these images and thank you for looking

If you would  like to  book a session  , please email  me at:

Thank you
Priscilla Christine