Now onto this session I was pretty desperiate for models and so i joined moms like me in hopes of getting a ton of mommys wanting free pics done.. Well i have only had 3 moms from the site let me do pics, others have inquired but have failed to setup anything,, and the way i see things thats on them,if i wasnt a photog and had a fellow mom who was wanting to do pics i would be all for it esp since these " model sessions" were completly free ..But hey thats just me LOL.
Anyways me and Raquel ( miss terpsichore'es mom) decided to have a pre- photo consult so i could meet her and her lil girl.I prefer to do those befor e a session because in my opinion it makes the session , less awkward and runs smothly.I espcially want to have them if i am shooting small kids...
The parents chose William Land Park in Sacramento as the location so i was completly fine with that after all its thier pics in the end.. The park was an amazing place for a photo shoot... Lot's of possiblities and awesome settings.. I am hoping to book another session here in the future.This lil girl was so much fun to photograph and was all over and full of energy!
I throughly enjoyed doing these pics and i hope her family will let me do another session in the near future!

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