sorry i havent blogged in forever.. i have been super busy and i started a part time job earlier this year, i have still done my photography but its been here and there i still hope this becomes a full time deal. i took the summer off to better my photography skills , and work on my schooling and i started a online workshop thru rachel brenke photography, i have yet to actually get out a shoot every day like i wanted to, i have yet to work on any of the schooling much less work on RB's workshop... between work and everyday life, i just dont have enuff hours in the day...a big portion of my summer was spent working and editing my best friend Lisa's wedding.. i flew out to Michigan at the end of May and basically falloweed her everywhere to cover everything from her final dress fitting to her spa day , to the details, set up and decorating the recpition location, the girls getting ready, wedding and reception, we also were able to squeeze in her little girls mini session in thier living room LOL, it was more her modeling a few of my props and whut not, i snapped over 2500 pics, so you can imagine how many i had to go thru, then there was another 1.5 weeks of getting everything up in the proofing gallery,,,
you see all of the awesome pics soon,,,
however,, i had 9 eventss/ sessions i have done this yr so far all those need to be blogged first before the wedding..
Staye tuned to all the awesomeness!
xoxo prissy
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