Monday, December 31, 2012

My year in review.. 2012

Wow , well  2012 is drawing to a close  and 2013 is approaching fast. I can't say that i'm sad to see to see 2012 to end. Alot has  happened this year  some not so great , some awesome, and along the way there was big dissapointments  but with that there was some surprises as well ....This year  since i was still new to  the town i'm in   and had yet to put myself out there  i decided to change my  photography name and change directions, so basically I reSTARTED  everything, i  spent this whole year practicing as much as i could.I went on several meetups ( i'm not lucky enough to have a ton of friends or family ) to get my practice on so i resorted to investing  in My portfolio and to work on  mastering  the settings, etc, I am proud  of what i have accomplished this year I still have some more stuff i  want to  work on on and i will continue to practice as much as possible in 2013 as well.I feel  that  i  am ready  to   finally launch and get legit in 2013 and try to make this work. I may fail , who  knows but I  didn't want to  be like everyone  else get a camera and automatically  i'm a Photographer. It doesn't   work that way, yes anyone can take a picture  but  not everyone can create ART. I wanted to do this the right way and there has been some shoots i went on or did for Pbing that i can honestly say i'm so  glad  i did'nt  charge for these images.if i had   i would have returned thier money.I hope all the hard work  and investments i made this year will not be in vain.I really want this i've wanted to do  Photography since High school but made choices and went down a different road...But hear i am now....

I'll stop rambling  and share my favorites from 2012................

this was 1  of  my first shoots  of the year

my first trash the dress session:

my last family session  ever 9 i was considering still doing families  but decided against  it)

there was some seniors -  here are a few of   some i  captured this year

there were things and rings and details galore  LOL-  here are some of those images------------

there were a couple baby bumps and i even captured my first BIRTH  , What a honor that was..........

we even  got down and dirty..... here is what i mean LOL

and   had some laughs and  acted a lil  silly too.....
and  of course we can't forget missTHANG  that got in the tree!


There may have been some girls as Zombies and in Masks and Masquerade and  i  even think there may have been  some in TUTU'S  too..... 

And last but not certainly least we cant forgot all the couple in loves from couples to weddings , I was blessed to  2nd shoot   4 times this . I  hope i get alot  more 2nd shooting  and my own weddings in 2013....

and these are just some extra pictures from various shoots this year

and  yesterday i  got to do  what i have been dying to do  shoot in the SNOW!!!!!!! There were amazing  models  and beautiful  outfits......

I hope you enjoyed looking at  my  year in review, i  hope you all have an awesome 2013 and i look foreward to  what  lies ahead!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Restart- My Video Submission- For Jasmine Star's 3 month workshop at CreativeLive

I am so  super glad that my video submission is finally done.This project has been a true labor of love and work in progress.It should  have been done  way before now but the first week we were gonna  work on it  everyone in my house except my hubby got strep .That was a part of  my delay , that and the fact that every time he would try to  film it i  would mess it up and  then  .I finally decided that i wanted to  do it at the rest stop near Donner at the snow. Well it was packed of course i have never seen  so  many  people  at that reststop with such a small amount of snow. .............I finally was able to somewhat  pull it  off  once we found a semi  slow "spot" of course not shaded and in the sun...I'm not one to post self pics of me online  or put videos of myself up  either . Actually this is the first time i have ever done something like this..I was planing on submitting the last time she had a workshop but i  had some unexpected  family issues come up and under the circumstances i  did not  think it would be the right time to  do  a video..I have been praying that she would return to CreativeLive  so that i could finally have the chance. at submitting..

Here is our finished product.......

I hope you  like it ..............

And FYI-  LOL i don't have a blinking problem, the sun was buggin LOL

Monday, November 19, 2012

Shelby's Maternity Session Nov 2012 , Oroville , CA, PARADISE,CA CHICO CA PHOTOGRAPHER

Hi happy Monday  everyone! I  was planing to  have this blog already to roll this morning but i was tired last night i was  not  able to  get it ready  till now. How are your Thanksgiving plans coming along? Personally,  i will be glad when its all over with.I just don't do  well  with this time of year due to so much family tragedy has happened  around this time of year so basically ever year i dread this time of the year and can't wait for Jan 1st..LOL,Well  let's get back  to  the topic of the blog post! LOL sorry i  got a lil sidetracked  LOL

Shelby was my 3rd Maternity session ever and my 2nd outside on  location one.We found each  other via Facebook and that i  put out a casting call..We were hoping to to do  some with her and the daddy but we ended up  just doing  some with her mom and her  like a generation maternity shoot kind  of thing, it was awesome...I really enjoyed this session and Miss Shelby made it easy to photograph her!

Here are a few from the session

If you  would  like to  see  more please head to  my facebook fan page

priscilla christine photography

Special thanks to  my son Jason   for holding the reflecter....!

If you would like to book your Maternity Session  please email me at