I am so super glad that my video submission is finally done.This project has been a true labor of love and work in progress.It should have been done way before now but the first week we were gonna work on it everyone in my house except my hubby got strep .That was a part of my delay , that and the fact that every time he would try to film it i would mess it up and then .I finally decided that i wanted to do it at the rest stop near Donner at the snow. Well it was packed of course i have never seen so many people at that reststop with such a small amount of snow. .............I finally was able to somewhat pull it off once we found a semi slow "spot" of course not shaded and in the sun...I'm not one to post self pics of me online or put videos of myself up either . Actually this is the first time i have ever done something like this..I was planing on submitting the last time she had a workshop but i had some unexpected family issues come up and under the circumstances i did not think it would be the right time to do a video..I have been praying that she would return to CreativeLive so that i could finally have the chance. at submitting..
Here is our finished product.......
I hope you like it ..............
And FYI- LOL i don't have a blinking problem, the sun was buggin LOL
Good luck!!
I hope she picks you Priscilla! I can tell how much you want to go. I am going to send her a tweet with your link right now and ask her to pick you : ). Good luck! Your boys are adorable. I love your hair.