Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pretty Fallon - Modeling 5/16/2012

Last month i had the privilege  to shoot model Fallon before she moved  to La for work.I had heard she was awesome to photograph and was excited to shoot her.Although i did'nt get many pictures that i loved here is a glimpse of what i captured that i did love!

I hope you enjoy these! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Inspiration June 26th 2012

Hi, everyone  i  hope  you  all had a good weekend  i  cant believe  June is almost  over..

 Here is your weekly  inspiration

haha this one is too  funny.....

 hope you enjoy this weeks inspiration

Happy Monday



Monday, June 18, 2012

Inspirational Monday June 18, 2012

I am going to try an start blogging more in hopes of getting my name out there more since  for right now this is my only way i have right now to  showcase my work and of course facebook LOL

So   starting Mondays i  will be  post a few inspirational  pictures i have found  online. I hope they will inspire you as they have inspiried me......
 so  true.. life is too short treasure   the time  you have

There is  your monday inspiration.. hope you enjoy!

Happy Monday



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy's Fathers Day!

It took  myself lots of convincing  to  make this blog post but i feel today  of all days it was necessary  to  make this post.It has  been 3 months since my dad has been gone. I am having such  a hard time grasping that this is my first Father's Day i  won't be able to pick up  the phone and call  him..This bothers me so bad . He wasn't a perfect man    but he was still  my dad. If anyone who maybe reading this has  thier dad still , treasure the moments you have with him because you'll never know when it could be taken away,  I f you are  reading this and you have lost your dad too,  i now can say i share your pain, and  sadness,  you are not alone.  I hope all the daddy alive have a great father'sd day and to  all the daddys in heaven  we love and miss you dearly

now , here is a pic with me and my daddy

happy  fathers day!



Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Annoucing my.......................

new name  for the lil business i am trying to grow.............

Smiles & Memories Photography  is now.......................

Priscilla Christine Photography

I was originally going to go  with JaDale Photography( my 2 boys names morphed together)
but decided  not too

I have been hearing for weeks , the last time  i heard it was from Lindsey  Adler  on  Creative Live  that you need to  have all your names online lead back to you and associate the photography name with you for instant,  smiles & memories could be associated with anyone....anywhere of the world.

So since i have 2 middle names and Priscilla Marie  is taking and Olivia Marie was taken, i decided to use my late mothers  middle name as part of my new name- hence  PRISCILLA CHRISTINE

I will  slowly be changing everything , branding and getting a newq website and possibly a new blog too...

For now  stayay awesome and Happy Tuesday! If you are in Cali make sure you go  out and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

M y domain issue.. is resolved!!!!!!!!!

Well  , here what happened when  i  went to  purchase the new domain,  i misspelled the email addy and the domain name so  i got it all figured out now.. LOL  Only i could  do  something like this lol....So i  offically have my new domain,  cant wait to get the website,  n blog  and branding up...Hopefully   my face book fan page will be changed soon....I already made a temperary  watermark  fo  putting them on my immages wheni  edit.I am glad  i  am changing  the name Smiles & Memories just didnt fit ME  anymore...