Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Annoucing my.......................

new name  for the lil business i am trying to grow.............

Smiles & Memories Photography  is now.......................

Priscilla Christine Photography

I was originally going to go  with JaDale Photography( my 2 boys names morphed together)
but decided  not too

I have been hearing for weeks , the last time  i heard it was from Lindsey  Adler  on  Creative Live  that you need to  have all your names online lead back to you and associate the photography name with you for instant,  smiles & memories could be associated with anyone....anywhere of the world.

So since i have 2 middle names and Priscilla Marie  is taking and Olivia Marie was taken, i decided to use my late mothers  middle name as part of my new name- hence  PRISCILLA CHRISTINE

I will  slowly be changing everything , branding and getting a newq website and possibly a new blog too...

For now  stayay awesome and Happy Tuesday! If you are in Cali make sure you go  out and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!

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