Sunday, August 12, 2012

Gabby photoshoot - May 2012

Hi everyone! happy Sunday! This blog post is way overdue but since these images were watermarked with the old name i wa using i  just now had time  to  rewatermark  them with the new watermark!

I bet your wondering what happened with Monday inspiration. I'm planning to restart in a few weeks, i have been shooting so  much i am behind with everything and with the name change and finally deciding what website  i was go  through  .I glad to say one has finally been chosen.I  went with a blogsite. A blog site is a website/blog  site all in 1 so i  will have 1 place to update everything. I feel for now  that was the best direction for me to go.I won't be removing this blog or deleting it i am gonna try to have a link to it  on the new site.There are a few kinks i have to  deal with first before i can get back to  working on the new site...I was hoping to launch Sept 1st but I'm thinking  it maybe October or November (i have alot more shooting gigs in September) .I need it  to  be slow so i can be able to focus on getting everything all set up.

So enough of my rambling here is the images from  one of the models i worked with in May

I hope you  like them! to see more from this session please  view the album  on my facebook fan page

Thank you for looking!

xoxox Priscilla

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